For a full overview click here

Reciprocal links

In Association with Click to browse unique home accents!

We are very happy to give links to other pages on the Internet. We make two requests:
  1. that you let us know if you remove the linked page from the Internet
  2. that you put a link to "Sundials on the Internet" in one of the forms below

The pages where we have such links are:
  • pix.htm for pictures of publicly visible sundials in named places
  • personal.htm for personal pages with information about sundials generally or individual sundials you have made
  • otherint.htm for information about other subjects interesting to sundiallers

Please note: if you click on"View" and "Source" you willbe able to cut and stick the complete code into your page. and it will pick up the image from

Link Method 1

- download image soti2.gif from here and incorporate link to
using this code

Link Method 2

- download image trysoti.gif from here and incorporate link to

Link Method 3

download image sundials.gif and incorporate the link to as shown
For more information on sundials try Sundials on the Internet

To set up a reciprocal link

please put up the link in one of the two forms above on your page, and then E-mail us at with the URL of your page, the name of our page where you would like the link, and any other relevant details. Thanks.

For a full overview of Sundials on the Internet click here
This complete website © Internetworks, 1997-2007. The site was designed and is maintained by Internetworks Ltd of Epsom, England
last revision
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