My favourite sundials in the Netherlands

This listing is drawn from the Web page of Fer J de Vries who also has photographs of all the sundials listed here.

Huize van Loon, Amsterdam. Adress : Keizersgracht 672
A multi-faced dial from 1578

Breda. Haagse Beemden, Shoping centre Heksewiel.
A slightly inclined dial in Breda. Width 10 meters. (1994)

Eindhoven, Herinkhave 3.
A modern sundial.(1982)

Groningen, Prinsenhof, little garden near Martini tower in center of town.
A very beautiful dial made in 1731.

Groningen, private garden.
A spherical dial marked in quarter-hours.

Jorwerd, a small place in the province Friesland
This dial is dated 1621, but it only catches the sun for part of
the day because of its placement on the wall.

Jacobi church, Utrecht
The oldest dated sundial in the Netherlands with a polestyle (1463)

Vollenhove, in garden of town hall.
Another multi-faced dial

Zeist, Blind Institution Bartimeus.
A sundial for blind children. An electronic device gives a beep when
the equatorial disk is turned into the right position relative to the sun. (1991)

Zoetermeer, Rokkeveen, Burg. Hoekstrapark.
A modern dial. 2 equal sided triagnles form the base for the dialplate and for
the shadow casting device. (1993)

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