This list is divided by country. Each maker is offered a name and address listing absolutely free. If you know of any sundial makers not included here, pleaseE-mail giving their name and address and details of what they sell. We would particularly welcome information about sundial makers in other countries. Our traffic statistics show visitors to this page since 7 February 2002. Please bookmark us - and come again! 
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Please mention "Sundials on the Internet" if you make contact with any of these sundial makers.
- Sunclocks, 21 Evans Street, Moruya, NSW, Australia 2537
- Sundials Australia, 3 Bedford Street, Kensington Park, South Australia 5068, Australia
- Standard bronze cast horizontal sundials are available for all the principal cities in Australia, with either 310 mm or 400mm dialplates and a choice of gnomons. Vertical and armillary sphere sundials. Public sundials such as the Mt Tomah Botanic Garden, NSW equatorial sundial and the Armillary Sphere in the Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney. Catalogue available. Authors of Sundials Australia
- David Widdowson, ASTROVISUALS 6 Lind St, Srathmore,> Vic. 3041 Australia
- The Sun Disc equatorial sundial represents a
"revolution" in Sundial design! Its rotatable plastic disc allows it to be
adjusted for daylight saving time, the equation of time and local time.
Its stylish, minimalist design makes it an attractive feature for the
garden, sundeck or outdoor setting.
The Sun Disc - 21cm in diameter - comes flat-packed and is easy to
assemble. The use of clear perspex and semi-transparent white
polypropylene allows the shadow cast by the gnomon to be readable from the
front and back.
Cost is $34 including postage worldwide. Dealer inquiries welcome. See:
- Morrison Associates Co. 1300A rue St-Patrick, Montreal,Quebec, H3K 1A4 CANADA
- Creators of The Shepherd's Watch. Small altitude dials determining the time according to the date and the sun's altitude including a ring dial, a finger ring dial, and a "gardener's dial"
- Metal Schmidt Ltd Foundry (Al Schmidt) Box 250, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada, B0S 1A0
- Niagara Castings (Canada)
- Don Petrie, 462 Millard Street, Stouffville, Ontario Canada L4A 8A8
- Solar Tetrad. An attractive educational model consisting of 4 interlockingtransparent plates demonstrating the derivation of the basic trigonometricsundial formulae. Personalized. 12 page booklet. $70 US.
- A La Fortune du Plo 14 rue du Plo, La Cite, Carcassone, France
- Artissime, 32 bis route de Montelimar, F-26110, Nyons, France
- Atelier d'Art, "Le Relais du Gial" 05350 Ville-Vielle, France
- Atelier d'Helios (Jean-Michel Ansel), La Provoste, F 72130 St Georges le Gaultier, France
- Ateliers Tournesol, (Jean-Francois Dana) 13bis, rue de la Résistance, 38950 St Martin le Vinoux, Isère, France
- Traditional and modern sundials
- Cadrans Solaires DO.SI.SOL.MI (Francois Jeandon) 32, rue du Cdt St Sernin, F-88220 Xertigny, France
- Erich Pollähne GmbH, MEKU, Am Weingarten 14, D 30974 Wennigsen, Germany
Birthe Vollmer Design Ziegelstrae 36, D-33824 Werther,
- We make sundials, spec. equatorial sundials for outside installation, material stainless
stell and brass, size 18". Manufacture spec. for each place of the world in accordance
with longitude und latitude, 12 hour classificatios on local
times, 1 h=60 mm, reading minutes, season, zidiac time etc.052033447@t-online.de
- Jamson Enterprises 85 Tobacco Street Moradabad India 244001
- We are manfuacturers of sundials and armillaries made of brass. We develop new designs on requrest from our clients.We do wholesale only.Email: jamsons@nde.vsnl.net.in
- KSP Engineering Co., 15, Najafgarh Road, New Delhi - 110015, : India
- Exporters of Armillary & Flat Sundials both in Brass as well as Antique Patina Finish.
For a detailed view of our product you can see our website www.kspgardening.comEmail:
Orient Handicrafts
84, Gulal Street, Moradabad- 244001, UP, India 244001
We make Sundials and weather vanes in Aluminum, Brass, Bronze with different finishes and
designs. We deal in all Garden Accessories
- Shaul AdamP.O Box 117244864 Cikhav Yair, Israel
- Designer, planner and constractor of all kind of sundials.Vertical, Horizontal, Polar, Armilar, Anallematic, and various types of portable sundials; Painted Ceramic, Stone, Marble, Perspex and Glass, Metal, (and other traditional and modern materials).
- ASD - Avraham Avitzour 218 Har-Adar, 90836 Israel
- "SunDesign" contemporary sundials. Small universal sundials (22 cm) made of brass and natural stone. Adjustable to funiction in any location, showing standard time. Both south and north-facing models are offered. Unique sculptural sundial designs of any size, specially planned for the local environment. Made of classic and modern materials. Fax: +972-2-5340774 E-mail: 100264.402@compuserve.com

- Mario Arnaldi Viale Leonardo 82, 48020 Lido Adriano, Ravenna, Italy
- Ugo Beccheroni Via Renato Benassi 160, 40068 San Lazzaro (BO), Italy
- Enrico Centenaro via San Giorgio 81/1, 35010 S. Giustina in Colle (Pd), Italy
- Alberto Dusi Via Garibaldi 40, 26010 Azzanello (CR) Italy
- Massimo Forni Via Barbieri 4, 40010 San Matteo Della Decima, Bologna, Italy
- MERIDIANE snc di Alessandra Galli &C
20121 Milano, Via Moscova 53, Italy
- Miglio e Villa Orologi Solari
Via Sanda 19 21030 Casalzuigno (VA) Italia
- Realizziamo orologi solari incisi su alluminio anodizzato.
solo area Varese Verbania,Milano,Ticino.Email: miglioangelo@katamail.com
<"A href="mailto:miglioangelo@katamail.com?subject=www.sundials.co.uk Makers Page enquiry">miglioangelo@katamail.com
- Giuseppe Paltrinieri Via Guiseppe Dozza no. 3, 40139 Bologna, Italy
- Giovanni Sogne Via riva de Marco no. 9, 32030 Cesiomaggiore, Italy
- Lucio Maria Morra, ,Via Trinitŕ 28, 12040 Sant'Albano Stura (CN), Italy
- STENCILLING snc, via Jervis 3 - IVREA (TO) Italy
- Vertical sundials painted on a practical support, individually calibrated for every worldwide location to give accurate timekeeping, enriched with valuable ornaments. Sundials can be made on request by mail order selling, shipped worldwide and easily placed: full setting instructions are given. A colour brochure and price list available on request.
- Giuseppe Viara giuseppe.viara@isiline.it
via peirone 29, 12047 Rocca de'baldi ,(CN) Italy
- Sundials designer
South Africa
Malcolm Barnfield, P. O. Box 1791,
Honeydew, 2040, South Africa
Maker of Armillary Sun-Moondials & Horizontal dials in cast
etched and rolled copper and brass
Email: sundials@icon.co.za
- Peter Christensen, 3 Saltwood Rd, Amanzimtoti, South Africa 4126
- Designer and maker of personalised sundials for private homes or public places.Specialised in solid brass engraved armillary sphere dials. Also vertical, horizontal and polardials, mainly in brass and copper. Will also do birdbath dials and large dial layouts using paving stones.Email: christp@icon.co.za
- Roy Reycraft, P.O.Box 70, McGregor, South Africa 6708
- Solid brass handcrafted horizontal (round) sundials. Each dial isindividually created and acid etched for your location, and can include amotto, house, farm or family name. Standard design incorporates a compassrose and practical and comprehensive equation of time, measures +-240mm(9,5") and weighs 1,2 kg (+-2lb 10oz). royreycraft@yahoo.co.uk
- Sundials Exclusive
PO Box 31056, Tokai 7966, Cape Town, South Africa
- Designers and crafters of worldwide location specific engraved solid brass and bronze
horizontal dials, vertical dials and armillary sphere sundials all in polished brass or
verdigris finish.Our sundials are each specifically made for each client and
incorporate the client's personalised details and design - the perfect gift which can be
delivered ti your door worldwide. info@sundialsexclusive.com
- Relojes de Sol Artesanales Taller "Las Casillas" d'Altea, c/ Pla de Castell 16, Alicante, Spain
United Kingdom
- Ray Ashley 2, Blythe Hill Lane, Catford, London, SE6

Brookbrae Ltd

53, St. Leonard Road, London SW14 7NQ
Tel: +44 181 876
9238 Fax:+44 181
878 9415
- Architectural sundials and armillary spheres for building and
open spaces

- David Brown

Gibbs Orchard, Sutton Road, Somerton, Somerst TA11 6QP
- DMBsundial@aol.com
- Charlestown Forge

Charlestown Harbour, St Austell, Cornwall PL25 3NJ
Tel:01726 883606 Fax:
- Individually made sundials at sensible prices for the discerning
customers. Prices, sizes and dial decoration by agreement. Supplier
to Eden Project and Chelsea Flower Show
- Connoisseur Sun Dials

Lane End, Strefford, Craven Arms, SY7 8DE
(+44) 1 588 672 126
- Dials in brass or bronze; horizontal, vertical, armillary spheres,
- Courtyard Sundials
- The Courtyard, High Street, WIVELISCOMBE, Taunton, Somerset
A stunning armillary sundial hand-crafted in naval brass sales@courtyardsundials.co.uk
- Flowton Dials (John Davis) Orchard View, Tye Lane,Flowton,
Ipswich, IP8 4LD
- Flowton Dials specialises in brass sundials and related solar
instruments. All dials are individually designed and can feature
a wide range of dial furniture, either scientific or artistic.
We are particularly adept at producing replicas of early dials.
- David Gulland, The Old Coach House, 5, Rotchell Road,
Dumfries, DG2 7SP
- Gunning
Sundials, Wych Elm Cottage, Sussex Road, Petersfield,
Hants, GU31 4JZ

Tel: (+44) 1 730 262 010
- The makers of the unique Gunning Heliochronometer gunsun@btinternet.com
- David Harber Sundials, Valley Farm, Bix, Henley-on-Thames,
Oxon RG9 6BW

Tel: (+44) 1 491 576 956 Fax: (+44) 1 491 413 524
- Unusual dials of classic and contemporary design sales@davidharbersundials.co.uk
- W J Hazell, 15, Pinkwell Lane, Harlington, Middx UB3
- Sally Hersh

Sycamores Studio,School Lane, Lodsworth, Petworth, W Sussex,
GU28 9DH
Tel: (+44) 798 861 248 Fax:
(+44) 798 861 355
- Sundial designer-craftsman and maker. Vertical and Horizontal
dials in slate, stone, or engraved metal. All individually designed.
All calligraphic lettering and carved decoration on stone is handcut,
and may be gilded or coloured as required.   info@sallyhersh.com
- Harriet James,

35 Bradley Road, Warminster, Wiltshire BA12 8BN
Telephone: +44 1985 216311 
- Designer, maker, and restorer of carved stone dials enquiries@sunnydials.co.uk
- Ironstone Forge, 1 Melrose Avenue, Reading, RG6 2BN
- Ben Jones, 11 Hamilton Road, Topsham, Exeter, Devon,
EX3 0LH Tel: 01392 252 815
-         Email:
- Lindisfarne Sundials (Tony Moss) 43 Windsor Gardens,
Bedlington, Northumberland U.K. NE22 5SY
- Michael Malleson Trent Studio Forge, Rigg Lane, Trent,
Sherborne, Dorset DT9 4SS
- An unusual and innovative selection of forged steel sundials
for sale in our "Under the Hammer" Gallery. Commissions undertaken.
See our website for details.
- Paul Margetts, Forging Ahead, Field House Farm, Dark
Lane, Belbroughton, Stourbridge, Worcs, DY9 9SS
- Merlin Design (Keith Bunting),
- The Nook, Rudgeway Park, Bristol, BS35 3RU

Tel +44 1454 615036         Email:
We are etchers in brass and specialise in designing and making
customised, accurate and site specific brass sundials. We have
made dials for all regions of the U.K. as well as for many clients
in France and the U.S.A.
- Meridian Sun Clocks and Plaques,
- Barnacle Cottage, Back Lane, Meriden, Coventry, CV7 7LD
- Millennium Sundials (Mr B Williams)
- 16 Knoll Rise St Leonards-on-Sea East Sussex TN38 0NT
Two solid brass ornamental armilliary sphere sundials to commemorate
the millennium. Garden size 50cm (20in) high and desk top size
25cm (10in) high, both with bright polished finish.
- Alex Monroe, 9a Iliffe Yard, London SE17 3QA
- Phoenix Sundials, Trafalgar Lodge, Newport Road, Barnstaple,
Devon, EX32 9ED
- Radford Forge, The Old Blacksmith's Shop, Radford Farm,
Enstone, Oxford.
- Spot-On Sundials

P O Box 292, Epsom, Surrey, KT17 4YP,England. 
Tel +0207 587 0257 Fax 01 372 747 767 Email:
- The Spot-On Sundial is an innovative design in solid brass -
an interesting addition to your conservatory or garden. The unusual
gnomon, which casts the shadow, makes it very easy to set up accurately,
and shows a shaft of sunlight across the dial at noon each day.
Full intstructions for setting up, amd reading the sundial are
given on our website.
- Sundials Et Cetera

The Pottery, 2 High Road, Everthorpe, Brough, East Yorkshire,
HU15 2AP,England. 
Tel +44(0)1430 422088 Fax +44(0)1430 422089 Email:
- Tangible Innovation, Faraday Road, Newbury, Berkshire
- Alan Thompson, Normanton House, Normanton, Bottesford,
Leicester NG13 0EP
- Designer and maker of fixed and portable dials in brass
- Upper House Diallers, Upper House Farm, Dilwym, Hereford
- Westwood Dials,

White House Farm, New Hall Lane, nr. Maldon, Essex CM9 6PJ,
Tel: 01 621 740 599 Fax:
01 277 227 665 Email:
- Designers and makers of sundials, specializing in armillary
sphere sundials for gardens and public places.
United States
- Accurate Sundials, LLC      

W59 N358 Hilbert Avenue, Cedarburg, WI 53012, USA
- Accurate sundials that are customed-designed, engineered and
machined for your specific sites latitude, longitude and time
zone. Attractive dials of solid brass, copper and aluminum. Email:
John L. Carmichael - Sundial Sculptures
925 E. Foothills Drive, Tucson, AZ 85718      

- Award-winning sundial designer and sculptor makes several types
of hand-carved stone sundials, rare stained glass sundials, and
sundial design patterns with precise time telling and other scientific
functions. Intricate custom artwork is available. Owner's manual
and consultation is included. Will ship anywhere.
- Drs. David and Yola Coffeen, Tesseract, P.O. Box 151,
Hastings on Hudson, NY 10706
- Colonial Brass Company PO Box 511, Vine Street, Middleboro,
MA 02346, USA
- We have been casting sundials in bronze since the turn of this
century. We are capable of manufacturing custom sundials up to
4 feet in diameter. Our stock sundials are manufactured from original
patterns 90 plus years old. Colonial Brass also manufactures custom
cast bronze plaques to customer specifications.
- Roger W. Dignard, 156 Joe English Road, New Boston
NH 03070
- Oscar Falconi, Wholesale Nutrition, Box 3345, Saratoga
CA 95070
- Nick Farinacci POBox 991, Albany, NY 12202-0991
- Beatiful and inexpensive hand-carfted sundial pendants
- Ralph B. Galvin, 2350 E. 91st Street, Indianapolis
IN 46240
- Gnomon Research (Sara Schechner Genuth) 1142 Loxford
Terrace, Silver Spring, MD 20901 USA
- Norman Greene, 1215 Fourth Street, Berkeley, CA 94710
- Lynn Harding, Antique Instruments, 103 W. Aliso Street,
Ojai CA 93023
- Claude Hartman/ Sunlight Designs 756 Asilo, Arroyo
Grnade, CA 93420
- Peggy Kala Hubacker, 4535 Balboa Street, San Francisco
CA 94121
- Robert L. Kellogg, 7509 Dew Wood Drive, Rockville,
MD 20855
- LaBrake's Garden Path & Pond RR#1 Box 10-5 Pitt St, Brushton,
NY 12916
- Stephen Luecking, 1934 West Bradley, Chicago IL 60613
- Mac Oglesby, 1317 Windmill Hill Road South, Putney
VT 05346-8940 USA
- Daniel Oberti Ceramic Designs 3796 Twig Avenue, Sebastopol
CA 95472 USA
- Kate Pond, 123 N. Union St, Burlington VT 05401
- Betty Green Risser, Geographic Locations International,
1513 26th Avenue NE, Mpls MN 55418
- Scott Design Sundials 152 Wendell Depot Rd, PO Box 952,
Wendell, Massachusetts 01379
- Custom made Vertical Sundials, carved in Wood or Hammered Copper,
Bronze and Brass. I’ll send you a kit for determining the declination
of your wall. It’s simple and accurate. dscott@igc.org
- SON Manufacturing Company         
PO Box 126, Cherry Valley NY 13320, USA     
- Prof. Woodruff T. Sullivan, III (Dept of Astronomy,
Univ. of Washington), 6532 Palatine Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103
- Sunpath Designs Box 392, Hollywood, FL 33022, USA
- Li Tien, 4412 Huron, Midland MI 48642
- Virginia Metal Crafters 1010 Main Street, Waynesboro,
VA 22980
- Mount Vernon George Washington Sundial and Stand, together with
other sundials.
- The Vista Company, Seattle, Washington, USA
- Vermont Sundials
- Jack Crowther, 29 Giorgetti Blvd., Rutland, VT 05701, USA 05701
I make sundials with sandblasted designs on native marble and
slate bases. A hobbyist for about 20 years, I am now offering
a limited number for sale. I have standard designs and can custom
make dials on request. Typically, dials are contained in a cedar
frame suitable for mounting on a post.
- Daniel Wenger 511 Hampstead Way, Santa Cruz, California,
Maker of the Wenger Sundial, a glass globe of the earth on a beautiful