This is a selection of dials to see in the area surrounding Brighton
and Hove all accessible by public transport. I have included a grid
reference if you wish to locate them on a map and travel by car,
but the best way is to pick up a bus timetable and an all-day bus
Many thanks to Jackie Jones for providing this sundial trail.

1. St Andrew's church, Bishopstone TQ472010. This Anglo-Saxon dial
is on the south wall, over the apex of the porch; it dates from about
AD 950. It is carved in stone with a metal gnomon, it does not tell
the time, but divides the daylight hours into equal portions; these
are longer in the summer than winter.
2. St Andrew's church, Bishopstone
TQ472010. 20m south east of the chancel, this metal dial dates from
about 1950. It is in memory of the Reverend William Squirrell, died
1947, and his wife Cecilia who died in 1950.
3. St Wulfran's church, Ovingdean TQ356035. A brass horizontal dial
on a plinth. It is a cast 20th century dial replacement for an original
dial which dated from 1882.
4. St Michael's church,
South Malling TQ412110. This memorial dial on the wall of the church
is metal and believed to be a replacement.

5. 221 Cliff High Street, Lewes (insert picture Cliff High Street)
TQ419103. This dial is made of metal and dates from1824.
6. 182 High Street, Lewes TQ415101. This dial, on the court building,
dates from 1717. It is partially shaded in the afternoon by the
roof overhang.


7. 51 Upper Lewes Road, Brighton TQ318057. Painted dial on front of
house above door. Designed by Jackie Jones in 2008 and shows declination
lines for the equinoxes, solstices and 1st May (wedding anniversary).
8. 111 Queen's Road,
Brighton TQ309045. This slate and metal dial dates from 1897 and was
renovated in 2008. It shows the time from 7am to 6pm.

9. St Augustine's Church, Stanford Avenue, Brighton This sundial is
in a fine-grained sandstone with a brass gnomon. The motto reads "The
night cometh when no man can work".
10. St Helen's Church, Hangleton TQ266073. A stone polar cross
dial in memory of Henry Willett who died in 1905.


11. Foredown Tower, Foredown Road, Hove TQ265 055. A metal west-facing
dial, dating from 1999. Shows the time from 1 - 8pm.
12. Southwick Community
Centre, 24 Southwick Street TQ245055. In memory of Mr Baxter and Mr
Penny who founded the centre in 1945.

13. St Mary's Church, Shoreham-by-Sea TQ216052. A stone and bronze
dial on the church wall.
14. Coronation Green, Shoreham-by-Sea TQ215055. An analemmatic dial
installed in 2002 and designed by Tarmount Community Artists in stainless
steel and resin. The gnomon is a person standing on a month marker.
