For a full overview click here

16 images posted - 20 or so more to come later!

Members of the society gathered for the group phootograph
Members of the Council are sitting comfortably in the front row

The Cambridge sundial trail gets over 100 visitors a week, and most of the others get more than 50. Sundial trails are a good way to introduce people to the fascinating world of sundials - if you would like to write one for us before 21 October, you could win a $100 prize!

Some of the exhibits on show for the Conference

The projects page is visited by 600 people a week! Would you like to add a project to help spark an interest in sundials? All contributions welcome!

Friday morning - meeting of the BSS Council

The New Sundials Page shows a number of very interesting new sundials from all over the world. This is one of the many free services offered by Sundials on the Internet to the sundial community. Have a look at it!

Speakers at the conference

For a full overview of Sundials on the Internet click here
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