p Sundials on the Internet - Awards and Citations
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Awards and Citations

Welcome to the Sundials on the Internet Awards and Citations Page. We are most grateful for these endorsements which help us with the educational mission of Sundials on the Internet. If you know of any listing of educational resources on the Internet, please suggest the inclusion of Sundials on the Internet at www.sundials.co.uk We are very happy to put in a reverse link from this page so that our audience can tap into other resources too.

BBC Education Web Guide

In their invitation, the BBC Web Guide team wrote
"I am pleased to tell you that your website has been chosen for inclusion in the BBC Education Web Guide. The Education Web Guide team were particularly impressed by the quality and educational content of your site and have placed a short review of it in our searchable database which can be accessed by internet users everywhere.

The BBC Education Web Guide is at http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/webguide and brings you the newest and best websites for learning at home, at school and at college and university. The sites included in the BBC Education Web Guide have been hand-picked by a team of subject specialists and scrutinised for educational rigour by experts at BBC Education. The Guide provides a one-stop shop for the best educational resources on the internet and is the focal point for all of the BBC's educational resources."

Their review reads
These pages provide a gateway to the expanse of sundial information on the Net. They contain all the background information you need to begin constructing your own sundials. A number of simple projects are included to get you started, all with excellent diagrams and clear instructions. The site has many links to other sources of sundial information on the Net, including pictures of existing dials and computer programs for generating sundials.

Thank you for your interest in Sundials on the Internet!

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